I’ve been reading John Green’s Turtles All the Way Down in Spanish (called Mil Veces Hasta Siempre. It’s amazing what you can access at the LA Library online). The book follows a likeable teenager Aza with OCD, who is fixated on the microbiome in her body and consequent philosophical issues about identity. She has a slightly restless relationship with her best friend Daisy who both adores her and resents what she perceives to be Aza’s privilege.
Aza’s father died years ago, and she subsequently met a boy Davis at a summer camp for kids who lost a parent. (His mother died.) Davis ends up resurfacing as a main character/love interest who is now suffering his father’s disappearance – under strange circumstances.
The plot is original, and, as usual, Green does a great job of getting into teens’ heads. He treats his adolescent characters respectfully and showcases complicated issues, included grief, justified anger, jealousy, and betrayal. The novel is not as moving as The Fault in Our Stars, but it is still a good read.